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Letterform Design Project

What is a letterform design?

A letterform design is a design using only letters with different fonts and colors, but no other pictures or shapes.

What was your job as the designer?

My job as the designer was the convey the message of each box without spelling it out directly.

What were some of the challenges you faced during this project?

Some challenges I faced during this project were that I had to figure out how to display the message of the theme of each box. Also, I had to learn how to balance each box and not overcrowd the boxes with too many letters. I also had to figure out how to come up with an interesting design.

Do you feel you successfully completed the project? Why or why not?

I feel that I successfully completed the project because as I went along, I learned about what worked and looked good and what didn't. As I figured out what looked better, I went back and fixed boxes that were too crowded or the theme wasn't clearly displayed.

If you can change something about the project what would it be and why?

If I could change something about the project, I would change the amount of colors and fonts you could use because I fell like if you could use more fonts or colors, the designs could be more interesting.

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