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Ligature Logo Project

What is a ligature logo?

A ligature logo is when you somehow blend the letters or a word or acronym together. This can be done by connecting the letters or using shapes or colors to tie them together.

How would you describe the corporate identity of ESMA in 5 words?

I would describe the corporate identity of ESMA as fun, modern, edgy, urban, and popular.

Which logo out of the two do you feel is the strongest and why?

I feel that my strongest design is design 1, which is follow the white line. I believe this is the strongest logo because it is clean and not too complicated, so that you are still able to read what it says.

If you had no requirements or restrictions how would your logo look different?

My logo would probably include more colors in the logo or I might've used a picture. Since I used a color and white in both of my designs, the color restriction was limiting.

Explain which ligature techniques you have demonstrated on each logo:

In design 1, I connected the letters using the technique follow the white line, with a continuous white line that flows through the letters. In design 2, I used reverse the field and building bridges to depict the swirl shown in Epic Record's original logo.

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